
During the "Second World" Belgium was occupied by Germany. The occupation began with the raid on May 10, 1940 and lasted until the final liberation of the latter part of October 1, 1944. Our villages were Roksem Westkerke and September 5, 1944 by Canadian troops liberated. Later still some reoccupied during "Het Ardennenoffensief".

Leopold III

Koning Leopold III

De regering Pierlot

The Belgian government in exile in London (United Kingdom)
From left to right ministers:Albert De Vleesschauwer(administrateur-generaal van de Kongolese kolonie), Hubert Pierlot(Prime minister), Camille Gutt(Finance) AND Paul Henri Spaak(Foreign Affairs)

The Pierlot Government in London, also sometimes called Pierlot IV government, the government was in exile in Belgium from May 1940-1944.
Hubert Pierlot came in May 1940 in sharp conflict with King Leopold III, when the government refused to abroad. Pierlot took no responsibility for the conduct of the king and held in Limoges a speech to MPs who were present, which the king was deprived of all powers. Until 1944 he headed the government in exile in London.

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