
  1. On September 8, 1944 liberated, our region -
    - This see: Omer Titeca - "Gestella Krantje" Year 17, 1 & 2

  2. From the book: Belgium at War "Luchtgevechten boven België 1941-1942" - Cynrik De Decker and Jean Louis Roba. Publisher "De Krijger".

  3. Accoring to "THE BOMBER COMMAND WAR DIARIES" other raids were executed in the same night on the city of Hamburg. 103 Aircraft of different types were tasked. Five Hampden bombers were tasked to drop mines in the estuaries of the elbe and the Weser. Seven aircraft executed a raid on Dunkirk.

  4. Kriegstagebuck Höheres Kommando XXXVI - 306 Infanterie Division :
    Am 9-11-1941 um 22.00 Uhr stürzte bei Roksem (9 km südostwarts Ostende) ein zweimotorigen Englischen Bomber ab. Die besatzung von 4 Mann ist tot, das Flugzeug zerstört.
    Bomben auf Snaeskerke, Raversijde (See) Ostduinkerke. Kein Personenschaden. 3 heser
    Report book report: Clausing L. B. Oostende:
    Ack at 21.46 hours. The bombs fell on the "Groene dijk - Opex".
    I am not known if any appliance or air-raid by German fighters were shot down.
    From: "Oostende onder de Nazis 1940 - 44", part 1. - André Asseloos, Oostende.

  5. Fliegzeug Abwehr Kanone.According to unconfirmed information was the battery, along with a set of searchlights in Ettelgem.

  6. Valeer Jozef Vandekerckhove °Ettelgem May 4, 1904 x Roksem October 10, 1928 with Irma Vanthuyne °Westkerke November 12, 1906.

  7. In 1941 the Germans buried the crews of crashed aircrafts with military honors. A honor riffle salute was executed during the burial.

  8. Origin of 't Priorat or Prochie of Roxem 1908

  9. Information by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

  10. Report by Fernand Dejonghe from Zevekote Illustrated For information we thank cordially Fernand Dejonghe from Zevekote.

Our thanks go to: R. Vanhixe, M. Billiouw, Gebr. Vandekerckhove, M. Capelle, O. Kyndt en André Vanpoucke.

Text and photos reworked and supplemented by Dirk Jonckheere - April 2008

Info from:
- RAF Bomber Command
- Geschiedenis Syerston Basis
- Volunteer Gliding School

Data taken from the Gestella-Krantje jg. 18 - April 1996, p. 69 and “Oost over de Waere” Heemkring for Westkerke and Roksem, August 1999 nr.

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