
The aircraft did not explode and was not destroyed by fire when it crashed. The Germans were only alerted in the early morning hours. As a direct consequence some local residents and members of the resistance could secure some material and possibly also some clothing of the crew.
A white silk parachute reappeared after a couple of years and was donated to convent of Gistel where the sisters used it to produce some clothing for the Procession of Godelieve. Today’s inquiries to the committee of the procession did not reveal any details.

In 2007 a jacket of one of the crew appeared. It was discovered when after the death of a former member of the resistance [unknown and not living in the area] the attic of his house was emptied and cleaned up.
On the jacket the nickname “DOUGIE” appeared and apparently this was the nick name of Douglas Norton from Ipswich.

Jacket - DOUGIE

Jacket - DOUGIE: the artist's name Douglas Norton

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